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76 FR 49303

SIP Approval: Minnesota (partial approval of update to air quality rules).

76 FR 53638

SIP Approval: Delaware (interstate transport of pollution plan).

76 FR 47068

SIP Approval: Delaware (1997 eight-hour ozone and 1997 and 2006 fine PM NAAQS).

76 FR 51903

SIP Approval: Colorado (definition of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and other modifications).

76 FR 50891

SIP Approval: California (VOC emissions for the South Coast air quality management district).

76 FR 50128

SIP Approval: California (NOx and sulfur oxide emissions for the South Coast Air Quality Management District).

76 FR 48002

SIP Approval: California (limited approval of interstate transport of pollution revisions).

76 FR 47076

SIP Approval: California (VOC emissions for the San Joaquin Valley unified air pollution control district).

76 FR 47074

SIP Approval: California (volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions for the South Coast air quality management district).

76 FR 54294

EPA determined in its court-ordered review that current primary and secondary NAAQS for carbon monoxide provide an adequate margin of safety to protect public health.