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76 FR 50816

EPA amended TSCA §8(a), the Inventory Update Reporting rule, and renamed it the Chemical Data Reporting rule, which concerns the collection of information on the manufacturing, processing, and use of commercial chemical substances and mixtures on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory.

76 FR 47918

EPA issued revisions to the Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program rule. 

76 FR 47062

SIP Approval: West Virginia (1997 eight-hour ozone and 1997 and 2006 fine PM NAAQS).

76 FR 52275

SIP Approval: Virginia (Clean Air Interstate Rule trading program).

76 FR 52867

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (source standards for large appliance and metal furniture coatings).

76 FR 52283

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions).

76 FR 45705

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (idling time limits on commercial heavy-duty vehicles).

76 FR 51901

SIP Approval: Ohio (emissions of organic materials from stationary sources).

76 FR 49313

SIP Approval: North Carolina (PSD, new source review (NSR), and nonattainment NSR permitting regulations).

76 FR 51264

SIP Approval: New York (revisions to the eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the New York and Poughkeepsie moderate nonattainment areas).