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76 FR 46084

EPA proposed revisions to the secondary NAAQS for NO2 and SO2 to protect sensitive aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

76 FR 54346

FWS designated approximately 47,383 acres in Sonoma County, California, as critical habitat for the distinct population segment of the California tiger salamander under the ESA. 

76 FR 54052

FWS issued final early-season hunting regulations for migratory birds in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. 

76 FR 50680

FWS removed the Lake Erie watersnake from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the ESA due to its recovery.

76 FR 50052

FWS determined endangered status under the ESA for six foreign birds found on islands in French Polynesia and in Africa, Europe, and Southeast Asia.

76 FR 49542

FWS issued an emergency rule listing the Miami blue butterfly in the Florida Keys as endangered under the ESA, and listing the cassius blue butterfly, the ceraunus blue butterfly, and the nickerbean blue butterfly as threatened due to their similarity of appearance. 

76 FR 48722

FWS determined endangered status for the Cumberland darter, rush darter, yellowcheek darter, chucky madtom, and laurel dace under the ESA throughout their ranges.

76 FR 47490

FWS, in response to a court order, reinstated its listing of the Preble's meadow jumping mouse in Wyoming. 

76 FR 46632

FWS removed the Tennessee purple coneflower from the list of endangered and threatened plants under the ESA due to its recovery. 

76 FR 46150

FWS revised regulations governing financial assistance programs for wildlife restoration, sport fish restoration, and hunter education and safety.