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88 FR 7046

SIP Proposal: Nevada (an approval, a partial approval and partial disapproval, and a limited approval and limited disapproval, of revisions to general definitions rule and new source review permitting program for new and modified sources of air pollution for Clark County).

88 FR 7134

FWS announced technical corrections for 62 wildlife and plant species under the ESA, including changes of and corrections to errors in scientific or common names, listing citations, and taxonomic heading placement.

88 FR 6632

SIP Approval: Wisconsin (incorporation of 2015 primary and secondary ozone NAAQS and updates to ensure implementation of the ozone NAAQS in areas currently or formerly designated as nonattainment for any ozone standard).

88 FR 6688

EPA proposed to determine that the District of Columbia-Maryland-Virginia nonattainment area has clean data for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS.

88 FR 6633

EPA determined that the Detroit Area, Michigan, nonattainment area failed to attain the 2015 ozone NAAQS by the applicable attainment date, and reclassified the area to "moderate."

88 FR 6609

The Rural Utilities Service issued a final rule with a request for comment to revise the §306C water and waste disposal loans and grants program regulations to implement changes recommended by Government Accountability Office audit report GAO 18-309, "Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Opportunities Exist to Enhance Federal Agency Needs Assessment and Coordination on Tribal Projects" issued on May 15, 2018.

88 FR 6358

The Federal Highway Administration received, reviewed, and issued a determination of complete, for a renewal package from the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities requesting renewed participation in the Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program, which allows the Administration to assign, and states to assume, responsibilities under NEPA, and all or part of the Administration’s responsibilities for environmental review, consultation, or other actions required under any federal environmental law with respect to one or more federal highway projects within the state. 

88 FR 6257

EPA entered into a proposed settlement under CERCLA for recovery of past response costs concerning the Logan Street Mercury Response site in Ada County, Idaho.

88 FR 6257

EPA announced a proposed administrative cost settlement for recovery of response costs concerning the Sessions Clock site in Bristol, Hartford County, Connecticut.

88 FR 6177

FWS determined endangered species status for the Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly under the ESA.