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76 FR 43230

EPA proposed to update outer continental shelf air regulations for Virginia; see above for direct final rule.

76 FR 40660

SIP Proposal: California (VOC, NOx, and PM emissions for the San Joaquin Valley air pollution control district). 

76 FR 39357

SIP Proposal: California (VOC emissions for the Imperial County and Kern County air pollution control districts; see above for direct final rule). 

76 FR 38589

SIP Proposals: California (negative declarations for VOC source categories in the Antelope Valley air quality management district; see above for direct final rule)

76 FR 61384

United States v. Trident Seafoods Corp., No. 11-1616 (W.D. Wash. Sept. 28, 2011. A settling CWA defendant responsible for permit violations at its seafood processing facility in Seattle, Washington, must pay a $2.5 million civil penalty and must perform specified injunctive measures to reduce its discharge of wastes and to address sea floor waste piles created by its discharges.

76 FR 61532

FWS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list 10 subspecies of Great Basin butterflies in California and Nevada as threatened or endangered and to designate critical habitat under the ESA; the agency found that listing four of the subspecies may be warranted and initiated a status review.

76 FR 61482

FWS proposed endangered or threatened status for eight mussel species and to designate approximately 1,495 miles of stream and river channels in Alabama and Florida as critical habitat for the species under the ESA.

76 FR 61321

FWS announced a 12-month finding on a petition to list the Amargosa River fringe-toed lizard in San Bernardino County, California, as an endangered or threatened distinct population segment under the ESA; the agency found that the species is not a listable entity.

76 FR 61307

FWS announced a 12-month finding on a petition to list the Oklahoma grass pink orchid under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted.

76 FR 61298

FWS announced a 12-month finding on a petition to list Lake Sammamish kokanee salmon as an endangered or threatened species under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted.