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77 FR 5710

EPA determined that the D.C. Circuit's December 30, 2011, stay of the Transport Rule, also known as the Cross State Air Pollution Rule, also applies to Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin. 

77 FR 5570

United States v. City & County of Honolulu, No. 94-00765 DAE-KSC (D. Haw. Jan. 30, 2012). Under an amended consent decree, a settling CWA defendant must construct a Kaneohe-Kailua Tunnel and an associated influent pump station on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, which will eliminate the need for certain storage projects. 

77 FR 5569

In re Motors Liquidation Corp., No. 09-50026 (REG) (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Jan. 30, 2012). Settling CERCLA debtors responsible for violations in three states must provide the United States with an allowed general unsecured claim of $19,500,000 for the Diamond Alkali Superfund site in Newark, New Jersey, must provide an allowed general unsecured claim of $1,402,000 for the Hayford Bridge Road Groundwater Superfund site in St. Charles County, Missouri, as well as up to $448,000 in response work at the site, and must provide up to $2,448,334 in response work at the Kane & Lombard Street Drum Superfund site in Baltimore, Maryland.

77 FR 5204

FWS proposed to establish regulations for seasons, harvest limits, methods, and means related to the taking of fish and shellfish for subsistence uses in Alaska during the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 regulatory years.

77 FR 5679

The president issued a memorandum directing that the permit application for the Keystone XL pipeline project be denied.

77 FR 5210

SIP Proposal: Illinois/Missouri (attainment of the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the St. Louis nonattainment area).

77 FR 5207

SIP Proposal: Delaware (volatile organic compound emissions).

77 FR 5400

SIP Approval: Virginia (2010 one-hour primary NAAQS for sulfur dioxide).

77 FR 5191

SIP Approval: District of Columbia (regional haze program).

77 FR 5518

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree in WildEarth Guardians v. Jackson, No. 1:11-cv-02227-WJM-KLM (D. Colo.), that requires the Agency to respond to a petition seeking objection to a CAA Title V permit issued to CF&I Steel to operate its steelmaking facility in Pueblo, Colorado.