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77 FR 11022

SIP Proposal: Alaska (regional haze program and best available retrofit technology regulations).

77 FR 11039

EPA, due to significant changes, reproposed confidentiality determinations for the data elements in the petroleum and natural gas systems category of the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule; the Agency also deferred the reporting deadline to March 31, 2015, among other amendments.

77 FR 10450

EPA proposed to reinstate the maximum observed constituent concentrations for several listed hazardous wastes inadvertently removed by a November 8, 2000, final rule.

77 FR 10387

EPA reinstated the maximum observed constituent concentrations for several listed hazardous wastes inadvertently removed by a November 8, 2000, final rule.

77 FR 10424

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (reasonably available control technology requirements for the Milwaukee-Racine and Sheboygan eight-hour ozone nonattainment areas).

77 FR 10423

SIP Proposal: West Virginia (incorporation by reference of NAAQS).

77 FR 10430

SIP Proposal: California (new source review program for the South Coast air quality management district).

77 FR 10434

EPA, due to significant changes, re-proposed confidentiality determinations for the data elements in the electronics manufacturing source category of the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule; the Agency also proposed amendments regarding the calculation and reporting of emissions from facilities that use best available monitoring methods.

77 FR 10373

EPA made technical revisions to the electronics manufacturing source category of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule related to fluorinated heat transfer fluids.

77 FR 10350

EPA proposed to revise the federal implementation plans promulgated on August 8, 2011, to reduce interstate transport of fine particulate matter and ozone regarding post-combustion pollution control equipment and immediate-term operational requirements; see above for direct final rule.