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77 FR 13150

United States v. ConocoPhillips Co., No. H-05-0258 (S.D. Tex. Feb. 28, 2012). Under an amended consent decree, a settling CAA defendant responsible for violations at three of its oil refining facilities must pay $368,500 in civil penalties and must perform a supplemental environmental project valued at $77,000 to resolve claims at one of the refineries. 

77 FR 13251

FWS initiated five-year reviews for nine northeastern species under the ESA.

77 FR 13248

FWS initiated five-year reviews for 46 species in Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and the Northern Mariana Islands under the ESA.

77 FR 12985

The president ordered a detailed analysis of the potential economic impact of DOI's proposed critical habitat for the northern spotted owl. 

77 FR 13125

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to pay $200,000 in U.S. response costs incurred at the Eagle Picher Carefree Battery Superfund site in Socorro, New Mexico.

77 FR 13248

EPA proposed to approve revisions to Texas' hazardous waste management program; see above for direct final rule.

77 FR 13200

EPA gave final authorization to Texas' hazardous waste management program under RCRA.