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77 FR 16066

United States v. Princeton Gamma-Tech, No. 91-809 (AET) (D.N.J. July 21, 2009). Settling CERCLA defendants responsible for violations at the Rocky Hill Municipal Wellfield and the Montgomery Township Housing Development Superfund sites in Rocky Hill, New Jersey, must pay $1,842,500 in past and future U.S. response costs incurred at the sites and must pay $907,500 in past and future response costs and natural resource damages to New Jersey.

77 FR 16862

United States v. Blacksburg Country Club, Inc., No. 7:12-cv-00087 (W.D. Va. Feb. 23, 2012). A settling CERCLA defendant that released hazardous substances at its golf course in Blacksburg, Virginia, into the North Fork of the Roanoke River, resulting in the death of an estimated 169 Roanoke logperch, an endangered species, must implement a restoration plan, must pay $18,964.34 in FWS natural resource damage assessment costs, and must pay future travel costs incurred by FWS personnel in monitoring the restoration.

77 FR 16538

NOAA-Fisheries announced a five-year review of North Atlantic and North Pacific right whales under the ESA. 

77 FR 16324

FWS determined threatened status for the Chiricahua leopard frog under the ESA and designated approximately 10,346 acres in Arizona and New Mexico as critical habitat for the species.

77 FR 16712

FWS, under ESA §10(j), reestablished the American burying beetle, a federally listed endangered insect, into its historical habitat in Wah'kon-tah Prairie in southwestern Missouri and classified that reestablished population as a nonessential experimental population within Bates, Cedar, St. Clair, and Vernon Counties, Missouri.

77 FR 16796

EPA proposed to approve Arkansas' application for the Arkansas Department of Health to administer and enforce training and certification requirements, training program accreditation requirements, and work practice standards for lead-based paint activities in target housing and child-occupied facilities under TSCA §402.

77 FR 15966

EPA gave final authorization to Ohio's hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

77 FR 16548

EPA entered into four administrative settlement agreements for past U.S. response costs incurred at the Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Superfund site in Davie, Florida.

77 FR 16679

EPA revised the manner for applying the threshold planning quantities for those extremely hazardous substances that are non-reactive solid chemicals in solution.

77 FR 15985

SIP Proposal: Maryland (preconstruction requirements under the PSD and nonattainment new source review programs).