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77 FR 18718

DOE seeks public comment on whether the FY 2005 alternative fuel consumption baseline should include alternative fuel consumed by exempt vehicles and low-speed electric vehicles. 

77 FR 18709

EPA withdrew its final rulemaking of February 14, 2012, titled, "Quality Assurance Requirements for Continuous Opacity Monitoring Systems at Stationary Sources" due to adverse comments.

77 FR 18266

United States v. Virgin Islands, No. 3:10-cv-48 (D.V.I. Mar. 19, 2012). Settling CAA and RCRA defendants responsible for violations at the Bovoni Landfill on St. Thomas must pay a $50,000 civil penalty; must operate and maintain the landfill in accordance with RCRA; must upgrade, operate, and maintain an existing CAA-required landfill gas collection and control system; must install and operate a leachate collection system; must construct and operate a stormwater runoff collection system; must remove and dispose of scrap tires adjacent to the landfill; must implement phased closure of the landfill beginning in 2014; and must implement a waste diversion/recycling program.

77 FR 18151

The U.S. Coast Guard announced its intention to finalize regulations requiring discharge removal equipment for vessels carrying oil and seeks public comment. 

77 FR 17367

SIP Proposal: Connecticut (regional haze plan through 2018).

77 FR 17341

SIP Approval: Delaware/Maryland/New Jersey/Pennsylvania (attainment of the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the Philadelphia moderate nonattainment area).

77 FR 17898

EPA proposed national uniform emission standards for storage vessels and transfer operations concerning equipment leaks and control devices, as well as supplemental revisions to the general provisions.

77 FR 17344

EPA revised the use condition for hydrofluoroolefin in motor vehicle air conditioning under the Significant New Alternatives Policy program.