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77 FR 25111

SIP Proposal:Hawaii (VOC, NOx, and PM emissions)

77 FR 24441

SIP Proposal: California (VOC and fumigant emissions from pesticides)

77 FR 23192

SIP Proposal: California (VOCs for the Northern Sierra and Sacramento metropolitan air quality management districts) 

77 FR 24843

SIP Approval: Virginia (removal of operating permit for the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation) 

77 FR 24392

SIP Approval: Tennessee (limited approval of regional haze program) 

77 FR 24845

SIP Approval: South Dakota (regional haze plan) 

77 FR 24382

SIP Approval: North Carolina (annual emissions reporting requirement for the Charlotte area) 

77 FR 22500

SIP Approval: Missouri (PSD thresholds for greenhouse gases)

77 FR 24385

SIP Approval: Maine (regional haze program through 2018) 

77 FR 24148

SIP Approval: Hawaii (new source review rules)