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77 FR 23409

EPA announced numerous revisions to the Toxic Release Inventory program for facilities located in Indian country, most importantly that reports will now be submitted to the tribal government instead of the state. 

77 FR 24575

The president proclaimed April 21 through April 29, 2012, as National Park Week.

77 FR 24661

OSM proposed to approve an amendment to North Dakota's regulatory program under SMCRA concerning letter of credit provisions. 

77 FR 24436

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (attainment of the 2006 24-hour fine PM NAAQS for the Milwaukee-Racine nonattainment area) 

77 FR 23647

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (disapproval of infrastructure submissions)

77 FR 24883

SIP Proposal:Virginia (removal of operating permit for the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation) 

77 FR 22540

SIP Proposal: North Dakota (infrastructure requirements for the 1997 ozone NAAQS)

77 FR 24440

SIP Proposal: North Carolina (annual emissions reporting requirement for the Charlotte area) 

77 FR 24794

SIP Proposal: New York (partial approval of regional haze program and proposed federal implementation plan)

77 FR 24768

SIP Proposal: New Mexico (regional haze requirements for Albuquerque-Bernalillo County through 2018)