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77 FR 24908

FWS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list Aztec gilia as endangered or threatened under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted. 

77 FR 23008

FWS proposed to designate approximately 889 acres as critical habitat under the ESA for Munz's onion and approximately 8,020 acres as critical habitat for San Jacinto Valley crownscale, all in Riverside County, California. 

77 FR 23060

FWS determined endangered status under the ESA for the Three Forks springsnail, designating approximately 17.2 acres in Apache County, Arizona, as critical habitat, and determined threatened status for the San Bernardino springsnail, designating approximately 2 acres in Cochise County, Arizona, as critical habitat. 

77 FR 23432

FWS proposed to create a special rule under the ESA to provide for the conservation of the polar bear. 

77 FR 23246

EPA proposed to approve revisions to Kentucky's public water system supervision program. 

77 FR 23481

EPA approved Maine's NPDES program to include the permitting of all discharges within the Indian territories of the Penobscot Nation and the Passamaquoddy Tribe. 

77 FR 22707

EPA proposed to require electronic reporting for information that must be submitted under TSCA to streamline the process and to reduce administrative costs. 

77 FR 22572

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires the settling parties to pay $60,000 in U.S. response costs incurred at the Tecumseh Heus Superfund site in Calumet County, Wisconsin. 

77 FR 22785

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to pay $170,000 in U.S. response costs incurred at the Cadlerock Properties Superfund site in Ashford and Willington, Connecticut. 

77 FR 24200

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA for reimbursement of past U.S. response costs incurred at the American Drum and Pallet Superfund site in Memphis, Tennessee.