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77 FR 25792

FWS announced a 12-month finding on a petition to list the Sonoran Desert area population of bald eagle as threatened or endangered under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted. 

77 FR 26191

FWS reclassified the wood bison from endangered to threatened throughout its range under the ESA due to the success of recovery actions.

77 FR 26072

EPA issued its list of unregulated chemical contaminants and viruses and the methods to be used to monitor them in public water systems.

77 FR 25949

OSM proposed to approve an amendment to Texas' regulatory program under SMCRA regarding various permitting requirements.

77 FR 25874

OSM approved an amendment to Pennsylvania's regulatory program under SMCRA removing a permit requirement.

77 FR 25872

OSM approved an amendment to Oklahoma's regulatory program under SMCRA regarding requirements for bond calculation and subsidence allegation reporting.

77 FR 25868

OSM approved an amendment to Iowa's regulatory program under SMCRA related to ownership, control, and other updates.

77 FR 26549

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires three settling parties to pay $145,000 in U.S. response costs, plus $2,750.23 in interest, for violations at the City Storage Superfund site in Sulphur, Louisiana. 

77 FR 26474

SIP Proposal: North Carolina (ozone 2002 base-year emissions inventory for the bi-state Charlotte area; see above for direct final rule).

77 FR 26474

SIP Proposal: Maryland (PM, SOx, and NOx emissions from the Chalk Point generating station; see above for direct final rule).