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77 FR 31496

SIP Approval: Massachusetts/New Hampshire (attainment of the one-hour and the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the Eastern Massachusetts serious nonattainment area).

77 FR 31357

EPA entered into a proposed administrative agreement under CERCLA that requires the settling parties to pay $710,053.43 in U.S. response costs incurred at the Wabash Environmental Technologies Superfund site in Terre Haute, Indiana.

77 FR 31265

SIP Proposal: Ohio (volatile organic compound emissions for the Cleveland nonattainment area).

77 FR 31262

SIP Proposal: Kentucky (fine PM 2002 base-year emissions inventory).

77 FR 31240

SIP Proposal: Florida (limited approval of regional haze program).

77 FR 31268

SIP Proposal: Arizona (attainment of the PM10 NAAQS for the Paul Spur/Douglas nonattainment area).

77 FR 31200

SIP Approval: California (federal offset requirements for the South Coast air quality management district).

77 FR 31040

United States v. C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc., No. 12-30091 (D. Mass. May 16, 2012). A settling CAA defendant responsible for violations at its cold storage warehouse in Hatfield, Massachusetts, must pay a $126,700 civil penalty, must purchase $10,405 in emergency response equipment for the town of Hatfield, and must engage a third-party expert to audit the refrigeration system and recommend any necessary changes that must be implemented.

77 FR 31157

The president issued Executive Order No. 13614, which provides the order of succession for the office of the Administrator of EPA.