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88 FR 13713

SIP Approval: California (revisions concerning emissions of volatile organic compounds from architectural coating operations in the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District).

88 FR 13850

FWS initiated five-year status reviews under the ESA for two northeastern species, and requests the submission of scientific and commercial data that has become available since the last review of the species.

88 FR 13956

EPA revoked a May 22, 2020, finding that it is not appropriate and necessary to regulate coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating units (EGUs) under CAA §112, and concluded, as it did in its April 25, 2016, finding, that it remains appropriate and necessary to regulate hazardous air pollutant emissions from EGUs after considering cost.

88 FR 13394

SIP Proposal: Tennessee (conditional approval of revisions establishing alternative monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements under the Nitrogen Oxides SIP Call).

88 FR 13442

EPA entered into a proposed cost recovery settlement agreement under CERCLA concerning the JJW Metal Recycling Fire Superfund site in Carolina, Puerto Rico.

88 FR 13443

EPA approved revisions to Nevada's state primacy program under the SDWA that adopted regulations that effectuate the federal Radionuclides Rule.

88 FR 13329

NRC proposed to amend its environmental protection regulations by updating 2013 findings on the environmental effect of renewing the operating license of a nuclear power plant, redefining the number and scope of the environmental issues that must be addressed during the review of each application for license renewal.

88 FR 13320

SIP Approval: New Mexico (revisions concerning excess emissions during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction events).

88 FR 13392

SIP Proposal: California (revisions to Clean Fuels for Fleets provisions for the 2015 ozone NAAQS in the Riverside County, Sacramento Metro, San Joaquin Valley, Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, Ventura County, and Los Angeles-San Bernardino Counties nonattainment areas).

88 FR 13116

EPA approved revisions to Arizona's state primacy program under the SDWA that adopted regulations that effectuate the federal Revised Total Coliform Rule.