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77 FR 33456

EPA proposed to approve revisions to Washington's public water supply supervision program.

77 FR 33360

SIP Proposal: Tennessee (attainment of the 1997 annual average and 2006 24-hour fine particulate matter NAAQS for the Knoxville nonattainment area).

77 FR 33380

SIP Proposal: South Carolina (infrastructure requirements).

77 FR 33372

SIP Proposal: South Carolina (infrastructure requirements).

77 FR 33363

SIP Proposal: Kentucky (new source review and PSD permitting regulations for Jefferson County).

77 FR 33315

EPA added carbon dioxide to the list of acceptable substitutes under the Significant New Alternatives Policy program for use in the motor vehicle air conditioning sector.

77 FR 34464

FWS proposed to list 38 species on the Hawaiian Islands of Lanai, Maui, and Molokai as endangered under the ESA, reaffirmed the listing of two endemic plants currently listed as endangered, and proposed to designate critical habitat for 39 of the plant and animal species; proposed to designate 271,062 acres of Maui Nui as critical habitat for 11 previously listed plant and animal species and to revise critical habitat for 85 plant species; proposed to delist the plant Gahnia lanaiensis; and proposed revisions for other plants and birds.

77 FR 34315

EPA announced the availability of new information and data on proposed standards for cooling water intake structures at all existing power-generating facilities.

77 FR 34229

EPA gave final authorization to Idaho's hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

77 FR 34306

SIP Proposal: Tennessee (qualified approval of infrastructure submission).