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77 FR 37359

SIP Proposal: California (volatile organic compound emissions for the South Coast air quality management district and the San Joaquin Valley unified air pollution control district).

77 FR 37328

SIP Approval: Indiana (revision to Central Indiana 1997 eight-hour ozone maintenance air quality plan).

77 FR 37397

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement that would potentially resolve petitions for judicial review filed in the D.C. Circuit and would require the Agency to finalize rulemaking to revise the NESHAP for reciprocating internal combustion engines by December 14, 2012.

77 FR 36964

SIP Proposal: Texas (major revisions to new source review program).

77 FR 37039

EPA delegated authority to Maryland to implement and enforce NESHAP and new source performance standards.

77 FR 36575

United States v. Stearns Co., Ltd., No. 12-cv-191-JMH (E.D. Ky.). Settling CERCLA defendants responsible for past and future response costs incurred by the U.S. Forest Service at the Lower Rock Creek Mines Superfund site in McCreary County, Kentucky, must agree to the entry of a judgment in favor of the United States in the amount of $31.8 million, which can be accomplished through the transfer of real property interests and recoveries from insurance policies.

77 FR 36575

United States v. Enterprise Products Operating and Mid-America Pipeline Co., No. 12-190 (D. Neb. May 29, 2012). Settling CWA defendants responsible for discharges of natural gasoline from a pipeline in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska must pay a $1,042,000 civil penalty and must undertake specified measures to improve reporting of spills and to prevent pipeline ruptures caused by third parties.

77 FR 36871

FWS proposed to withdraw its rule to list the dunes sagebrush lizard as endangered under the ESA due to a decrease in significant threats to the species.

77 FR 36460

FWS proposed to delist Magazine Mountain shagreen from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife due to recovery of the species.

77 FR 36727

FWS designated approximately 24,527 acres in California, Oregon, and Washington as critical habitat for the western snowy plover under the ESA.