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88 FR 14276

SIP Approval: Tennessee (conditional approval of revision establishing alternative monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements under the Nitrogen Oxides SIP Call).

88 FR 14280

EPA finalized the technology review conducted for the wood preserving area NESHAP and technical corrections to the surface coating of wood building products NESHAP.

88 FR 14163

EPA Region 6 signed and issued the final NPDES general permit for discharges from hydrostatic testing of new and existing vessels in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Indian country within the states of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Louisiana.

88 FR 14095

EPA proposed to determine that the El Paso-Las Cruces, Texas-New Mexico nonattainment area would have attained the 2015 ozone NAAQS by the August 3, 2021, “marginal” area attainment date, but for emissions emanating from outside the United States.

88 FR 14150

The Consumer Product Safety Commission seeks information on chronic hazards associated with gas ranges and proposed solutions to those hazards.

88 FR 14049

SIP Approval: North Dakota (amendments to ambient air quality standards, permit to construct, and PSD regulations).

88 FR 14104

SIP Proposal: Pennsylvania (revisions to existing plan approval and Title V operating permit program fee rules).

88 FR 13752

SIP Proposal: Texas (updates to PSD and nonattainment new source review permitting programs to incorporate recent federal new source review regulations for project emissions accounting).

88 FR 13755

SIP Proposal: Oklahoma (update to incorporation by reference provision of federal requirements).

88 FR 13852

United States v. CISNE NY Construction, Inc., No. 22-338 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 28, 2023). Settling TSCA defendants must pay $25,000 each in connection with unlawful work practices during renovations governed by an implementing regulation of the Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule.