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88 FR 16005

EPA Region 7 entered into a proposed settlement agreement under CERCLA for recovery of past response costs concerning the Newton County Mine Tailings Superfund site in Missouri.

88 FR 15921

FWS determined endangered species status for the bog buck moth under the ESA.

88 FR 15675

NOAA announced the availability of final evaluation findings for seven national estuarine research reservesAshepoo-Combahee-Edisto Basin, Chesapeake Bay Virginia, Guana Tolomato Matanzas, San Francisco Bay, South Slough, Tijuana River, and Weeks Bayunder §315 of the CZMA.

88 FR 15629

SIP Proposal: Illinois (second maintenance plan for the 1997 ozone NAAQS through 2032 in the St. Louis, MO-IL area).

88 FR 15611

EPA approved a CAA §111(d)/129 state plan submitted by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection revising emission guidelines for large municipal waste combustors and a state plan for existing small waste combustors.

88 FR 15377

NMFS initiated a five-year status review under the ESA for for the Arabian Sea, Cape Verde Islands/Northwest Africa, Central America, Mexico, and Western North Pacific distinct population segments of the humpback whale, and requested submission of any new scientific and commercial data that has become available since the last review of the species.

88 FR 15451

FWS initiated a five-year status review under the ESA for the Mexican wolf, and requested submission of any new scientific and commercial data that has become available since the last review of the species.

88 FR 15390

EPA announced a proposed cashout settlement agreement under CERCLA concerning Agency response costs at the Donna Reservoir and Canal Superfund site in Donna, Texas.

88 FR 15392

EPA announced a proposed cashout settlement agreement under CERCLA concerning Agency response costs at the Vermiculite Products Inc. Superfund site in Houston, Texas.

88 FR 15448

FWS initiated five-year status reviews under the ESA for 27 species in the Mountain-Prairie region, and requested submission of any new scientific and commercial data that has become available since the last review of the species.