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88 FR 17725

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement adjusted the level of the maximum daily statutory civil monetary penalty amounts for violations of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.

88 FR 17755

HUD proposed to revise regulations governing floodplain management and the protection of wetlands to implement the federal Flood Risk Management Standard, in accordance with Executive Order No. 16390, Establishing a Federal Flood Risk Management Standard and a Process for Further Soliciting and Considering Stakeholder Input, to improve the resilience of Department-assisted or financed projects to the effects of climate change and natural disasters, and provide for greater flexibility in the use of HUD assistance in floodways under certain circumstances.

88 FR 17481

SIP Proposal: Washington (revisions incorporating updates to Washington's smoke management plan).

88 FR 17571

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on certain issues in a draft guidance document titled, “Draft Guidance on the Preparation of State Implementation Plan Provisions That Address the Nonattainment Area Contingency Measure Requirements for Ozone and Particulate Matter.”

88 FR 17611

FWS initiated five-year status reviews under the ESA for 133 species in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, California, Nevada, Hawaii, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, as well as Canada and Palau, and requested submission of any new scientific and commercial data that has become available since the last review of the species.

88 FR 17376

SIP Approval: Michigan (revisions for attaining the 2010 one-hour sulfur dioxide (SO2) primary NAAQS for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area).

88 FR 17488

SIP Proposal: Michigan (revisions for attaining the one-hour sulfur dioxide (SO2) primary NAAQS for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area).

88 FR 17374

SIP Approval: Virginia (second maintenance plan for maintaining the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in the Richmond-Petersburg area).

88 FR 17486

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (revisions to air emissions reporting requirements and related infrastructure requirement for the 2012 fine particulate matter and 2015 ozone NAAQS).

88 FR 17479

SIP Proposal: North Carolina (revisions to fugitive dust emissions rule).