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88 FR 31856

EPA proposed amendments to NESHAPs for plywood and composite wood products, including hazardous air pollutant (HAP) standards for processes currently unregulated for total HAP.

88 FR 31982

EPA proposed to establish regulatory requirements for inactive surface impoundments at inactive coal combustion residuals (CCR) facilities (legacy CCR surface impoundments); establish groundwater monitoring, corrective action, closure, and post-closure care requirements for all CCR management units (regardless of how or when that CCR was placed) at regulated CCR facilities; and technical corrections to the existing regulations.

88 FR 31525

United States v. American Biltrite Inc., No. 1:23-cv-11044 (D. Mass. May 11, 2023). Settling CERCLA defendants must perform the final remedial action for Operable Units 1 and 2, and the interim remedial action for Operable Unit 3, identified in EPA's March 2021 Record of Decision relating to the Olin Chemical Superfund site in Wilmington, Massachusetts; pay the United States’ past and future site-related response costs; and pay the Commonwealth's future site-related response costs.

88 FR 31578

The Department of State and NOAA seek public comment on the proposed scope for the upcoming United States Ocean Acidification Action Plan, which will highlight leadership in reducing carbon emissions; strengthening monitoring, research, and coordination research efforts; and investing in adaptive measures.

88 FR 31232

The Rural Utilities Service solicited letters of interest for loan applications to finance power generation projects for renewable energy resource (RER) systems or energy storage systems that support RER Projects, announced the application process for those loans, and provided deadlines for applications from eligible entities under the Powering Affordable Clean Energy Program.

88 FR 31000

FWS revised the Mitigation Policy and the ESA Compensatory Mitigation Policy; the former establishes fundamental mitigation principles and provides a framework for applying a landscape-scale approach to achieve, through application of the mitigation hierarchy, no net loss of resources and their values, services, and functions resulting from proposed actions; the latter adopts the mitigation principles established in the Mitigation Policy, establishes compensatory mitigation standards, and provides guidance for the application of compensatory mitigation through implementation of the ESA.

88 FR 30950

NMFS found that Pacific sardine is still overfished.

88 FR 30966

EPA announced the availability of Volume 3 of the Integrated Review Plan for the Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards, which is the planning document for quantitative analyses to be considered in the policy assessment, including exposure and risk analyses.

88 FR 30967

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA for recovery of response costs incurred at the Omega Chemical Corporation Superfund site in Los Angeles, California.

88 FR 30917

EPA proposed amendments to NESHAPs for Taconite Iron Ore Processing Plants, including proposing emission standards for mercury and revising existing emission standards for hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride.