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88 FR 55431

NOAA proposed protective regulations for the Banggai cardinalfish under ESA §9.

88 FR 54548

FWS proposed to remove the Apache trout from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife due to recovery.

88 FR 54263

FWS proposed to designate approximately 1,636.9 acres in Otero County, New Mexico, as critical habitat for the Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly under the ESA.

88 FR 54026

NMFS designated 28 specific occupied areas as critical habitat for five threatened Caribbean coral species under the ESA.

88 FR 49924

CEQ proposed the “Bipartisan Permitting Reform Implementation Rule” to revise its regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of NEPA, including to implement the Fiscal Responsibility Act’s amendments to NEPA.

88 FR 48414

FWS proposed to list the Fluminense swallowtail, Harris’ mimic swallowtail, and Hahnel’s Amazonian swallowtail as endangered under the ESA.

88 FR 48294

FWS announced its 12-month finding on a petition to list the green floater as threatened under the ESA, finding that listing was warranted; proposed to designate approximately 2,553 kilometers of streams in Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia as critical habitat for the species; and proposed a rule under §4(d) of the Act to provide for conservation of the species.

88 FR 47562

BLM proposed to revise its oil and gas leasing regulations to reflect provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act pertaining to royalty rates, rentals, and minimum bids; update the bonding requirements for leasing, development, and production; improve its leasing process to ensure proper stewardship of public lands and resources; and modify operating requirements.

88 FR 47839

FWS announced findings that the Illinois chorus frog and Venus flytrap are not warranted for listing as threatened or endangered under the ESA.

88 FR 47952

FWS announced 12-month findings on petitions to list two mussel species under the ESA, finding that listing the Salina mucket and Mexican fawnsfoot as endangered was warranted, and proposed to designate approximately 200 river miles in Brewster, Terrell, and Val Verde Counties, Texas, and 185 river miles in Maverick, Webb, and Zapata Counties, Texas, as critical habitat for the Salina mucket and the Mexican fawnsfoot, respectively.