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89 FR 19952

EPA proposed to revise regulations that allow for the open burning and detonation (OB/OD) of waste explosives by reducing OB/OD of waste explosives and increasing control of air emissions. 

89 FR 19519

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (second 10-year 2006 24-hour fine particulate matter limited maintenance plan for the Milwaukee-Racine maintenance area). 

89 FR 19602

United States v. Ameren Corp., No. 1:24-cv-00047 (E.D. Mo. Mar. 12, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, settling CERCLA defendants must pay $6,074,739 and certain settling federal agencies must pay a further $600,798 for costs the United States incurred responding to releases of hazardous substances at the Missouri Electric Works Superfund site in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. 

89 FR 19526

FWS proposed to list the bushy whitlow-wort as an endangered species under the ESA, and to designate approximately 41.96 acres in Jim Hogg County, Texas, as critical habitat for the species. 

89 FR 19546

FWS proposed to remove the North Park phacelia from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants due to recovery. 

89 FR 19358

United States v. General Recycling of Washington, LLC, No. 2:24-cv-00329 (W.D. Wash. Mar. 12, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, settling CERCLA, CWA, and OPA defendants must construct, monitor, and maintain a habitat restoration project and pay a total of $360,558.12 for assessment costs in connection with natural resource damages caused by releases of hazardous substances and discharges of oil from facilities located near the Lower Duwamish River. 

89 FR 19311

EPA tentatively approved revisions to Delaware’s Public Water System Supervision Program concerning drinking water regulations for the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproduct Rule. 

89 FR 19308

EPA announced the availability of Volumes 1 and 2 of the Integrated Review Plan for the Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Oxides of Nitrogen

89 FR 18933

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on the 2024 draft risk evaluation for formaldehyde prepared under TSCA. 

89 FR 18808

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finalized minor technical amendments to the test procedures for heavy-duty engines and vehicles regarding the certification procedures for fuel efficiency standards and related requirements.