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76 FR 303

EPA Region 10 proposed to approve a modification to Alaska's municipal solid waste landfill program concerning research, development, and demonstration permit requirements; see above for direct final rule.

76 FR 214

DOE proposed to amend its existing regulations governing compliance with NEPA, particularly its categorical exclusions.

76 FR 2859

SIP Proposal: Virginia (addition of the 2008 eight-hour ozone NAAQS and related updates; see above for direct final rule)

76 FR 2070

SIP Proposal: Virginia (GHG permitting provisions)

76 FR 4592

SIP Proposal: North Carolina (disapproval of interstate transport submission)

76 FR 491

SIP Proposal: New Mexico (promulgation of federal implementation plan and disapproval of interstate transport of pollution plan)

76 FR 758

SIP Proposal: Montana (disapproval of new source review revisions and rules)

76 FR 4579

SIP Proposal: New Jersey/New York (disapproval of interstate transport submission)

76 FR 2293

SIP Proposal: Minnesota (NAAQS for lead; see above for direct final rule)

76 FR 26192

SIP Approval: California (PSD permit programs for the Northern Sonoma County air pollution control district and the Mendocino County air quality management district)