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76 FR 22038

SIP Approval: California (energy tracking system for the South Coast air quality management district).

76 FR 28942

SIP Proposal: California (limited approval of permitting rules for the Sacramento metropolitan air quality management district)

76 FR 20242

SIP Approvals: California (nitrogen oxide emissions for the Sacramento metropolitan air quality management district).

76 FR 28696 May 18, 2011

SIP Proposal: California (termination of backsliding fees for the Sacramento Metro one-hour ozone nonattainment area).

76 FR 23876

EPA made final amendments to certain CAA regulations pertaining to Indian tribes.

76 FR 22825

EPA granted reconsideration of certain provisions of the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule promulgated on November 30, 2010.

76 FR 22822

EPA approved negative declarations and requests for EPA withdrawal of its CAA §§111(d) and 129 plan approval for HMIWI, large municipal waste combustor (LMWC), small municipal waste combustor (SMWC), and other solid waste incinerator (OSWI) units from Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

76 FR 26224

SIP Proposal: California (PSD permit programs for the Northern Sonoma County air pollution control district and the Mendocino County air quality management district; see above for direct final rule)

76 FR 30604

EPA proposed to grant Maine the authority to implement and enforce its amended Dry Cleaner Rule in place of the federal NESHAP for perchloroethylene dry cleaning facilities; see above for direct final rule.

76 FR 22566

EPA finalized NESHAPs for Group I polymers and resins; marine tank vessel loading operations; pharmaceuticals production; and the printing and publishing industry.