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88 FR 28254

The U.S. Sentencing Commission promulgated amendments to the sentencing guidelines, policy statements, commentary, and statutory index for federal courts.

88 FR 28284

EPA proposed measures to address the unreasonable risk of injury to human health presented by methylene chloride under its conditions of use as documented in the Agency's June 2020 Risk Evaluation and November 2022 revised risk determination prepared under TSCA.

88 FR 27502

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on the Draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution to reduce plastic waste and other post-consumer materials in waterways and oceans, as directed by Congress in §301 of the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act.

88 FR 25926

EPA proposed to promulgate new greenhouse gas (GHG) standards for heavy-duty highway vehicles starting in model year (MY) 2028 through MY 2032 and to revise certain GHG standards for MY 2027, including updating discrete elements of the Averaging Banking and Trading program; to add warranty requirements for batteries and other components of zero emission vehicles; to revise certain highway heavy-duty vehicle provisions and certain test procedures for heavy-duty engines; and to revise regulations addressing preemption of state regulation of new locomotives and new engines used in locomotives.

88 FR 25251

The president issued Executive Order No. 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice For All; among other things, the Order reaffirms a commitment to and sets steps for a governmentwide approach to environmental justice, and creates the White House Office of Environmental Justice within CEQ.

88 FR 25023

United States v. LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C., No. 2:23-cv-01301-WBV-KWR (E.D. La. Apr. 19, 2022). A settling OPA defendant must pay the United States $3.1 million in connection with a crude oil spill that occurred at the Mississippi Canyon Block 209 subsea oil production system in the Gulf of Mexico beginning on or about October 11, 2017.

88 FR 24792

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement under the CWA and the APA in Center for Biological Diversity v. EPA, No. 21-71306 (9th Cir.), which would require the Agency to take specified steps with respect to implementation of the 2021 pesticide general permit (PGP), complete ESA consultation of the 2026 PGP, and propose for public comment certain changes to its monitoring and recordkeeping provisions.

88 FR 24613

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement under the CWA and the APA in Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. v. U.S. EPA , No. 1:20-cv-2529 (D.D.C.), which would require the Agency to take steps regarding its oversight and funding of Pennsylvania’s efforts under its CWA programs to reduce nutrient and sediment discharges within the state’s portion of the Bay watershed and evaluate by the end of 2026 how each Bay state fared in meeting the 2025 Goal set forward in the last Chesapeake Bay Agreement.

88 FR 23370

The Internal Revenue Service proposed regulations regarding the federal income tax credit for the purchase of qualifying new clean vehicles, including new plug-in electric vehicles powered by an electric battery meeting certain requirements and new qualified fuel cell vehicles, under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

88 FR 23415

The DOE Biological and Environmental Research Program seeks public input on the need for and the structure of a unified data framework that links or integrates existing data activities relating to research on biological systems, bioenergy, environmental science, and Earth system science.