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76 FR 12920

OSM proposed to approve an amendment to Pennsylvania's regulatory program under SMCRA that would remove a required amendment on regulatory exemptions for coal extraction incidental to the extraction of other minerals.

76 FR 11779

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to pay U.S. response costs incurred at the Puckett Smelter Superfund site in Mountainboro, Alabama.

76 FR 14299

NOAA-Fisheries codified the listing of the southern resident killer whale distinct population segment as an endangered species under the ESA.

76 FR 12857

OSM approved an amendment to Montana's regulatory program under SMCRA concerning letters of credit issued by banks.

76 FR 12852

OSM approved an amendment to Louisiana's regulatory program and abandoned mine land reclamation plan under SMCRA covering a wide range of provisions.

76 FR 12849

OSM approved an amendment to Kentucky's regulatory program under SMCRA pertaining to the disposal of coal mine waste.

75 FR 74774

EPA issued a final rule requiring monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from additional sources of fluorinated GHGs.

75 FR 78932

The Agricultural Marketing Service proposed revisions to the Federal Seed Act to update regulations and to prevent potential conflicts with states.

76 FR 17028

EPA approved the Gila River Indian Community's tribal implementation plan to regulate air quality within the exterior boundaries of the tribe's reservation.

76 FR 13514

EPA stayed the requirement for chemical manufacturing area sources to comply with the Title V permit program during reconsideration of certain NESHAP provisions.