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76 FR 6848

FWS designated approximately 2,947 acres in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties in California as critical habitat for thread-leaved brodiaea under the ESA.

76 FR 9642

OSM approved an amendment to Alabama's regulatory program under SMCRA concerning licensing.

76 FR 10761

EPA delegated authority to Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to implement and enforce NESHAPs and new source performance and maximum achievable control technology standards.

76 FR 31362

United States v. City of Wyandotte, No. 2-11-cv-12181 (E.D. Mich. May 18, 2011). A settling CAA defendant responsible for permit violations at a power plant in Wyandotte, Michigan, must pay a $112,000 civil penalty, must perform a supplemental environmental project at an estimated cost of $210,000, and must install new emission controls and implement operational practices to reduce emissions.

76 FR 31362

United States v. City of Wyandotte, No. 2-11-cv-12181 (E.D. Mich. May 18, 2011). A settling CAA defendant responsible for permit violations at a power plant in Wyandotte, Michigan, must pay a $112,000 civil penalty, must perform a supplemental environmental project at an estimated cost of $210,000, and must install new emission controls and implement operational practices to reduce emissions.

76 FR 31361

United States v. Mahard Egg Farm, Inc., No. 3:11-cv-01031-N (N.D. Tex. May 18, 2011). Settling CWA defendants responsible for violations of a concentrated animal feeding operation general permit and related laws and regulations at seven of its facilities in Texas must pay a civil penalty, must take steps to bring each of its facilities into compliance, and must restore the lands to prevent future discharges to area waterways.

76 FR 31361

United States of America v. BASF Corp., No. 3:11-cv-00222 (S.D. Tex. May 13, 2011). A settling CAA defendant that violated SIP, NESHAP, and new stationary source performance requirements at a chemical manufacturing facility in Freeport, Texas, must pay a $500,000 civil penalty and must meet certain injunctive relief requirements.

76 FR 31360

United States v. Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., No. 4-07-CV-3795 (S.D. Tex. May 16, 2011). A settling CERCLA defendant responsible for violations at facilities in Houston, Odessa, and Webster, Texas, must pay $815,000 to the United States and $81,500 to Texas in response costs incurred or to be incurred at the sites.

76 FR 30390

In re Caribbean Petroleum Corp., No. 10-12553 (KG) (Bankr. D. Del. May 20, 2011). Settling CERCLA, CWA, Oil Pollution Act, and RCRA defendants responsible for violations at a petroleum distribution terminal in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, must provide the United States with general unsecured claims totaling $18,725,130 and must pay $8,200,000 in U.S. response costs and penalties.

76 FR 30197

United States v. Rocky Mountain Pipeline System, LLC, No. 11-CV-1188RPM-CBS (D. Colo. May 4, 2011). Settling CAA defendants, whose gasoline blending operations violated Reid vapor pressure standards and fuel registration regulations, must pay a $2.5 million civil penalty and must take actions to prevent future violations of the regulations; one of the defendants must also must install a domed cover on an existing fuel storage tank at its terminal in Dupont, Colorado.