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76 FR 23522

OSM seeks public comment on proposed revisions to Oklahoma's regulatory program under SMCRA that would add size limitations for permanent impoundments, slope limitations affecting post-mine contours. a subsidence allegation reporting requirement, and a requirement for bond calculation at renewal.

75 FR 82382

EPA announced the availability of 2011 Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act grants for coastal recreation water monitoring and public notification programs.

75 FR 76611

The president proclaimed December 6, 2010, as the 50th anniversary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

75 FR 82392

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement in New York v. EPA, No. 06-1322 (D.C. Cir.), that establishes deadlines for the Agency to take action.

75 FR 82390

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement in American Petroleum Institute v. EPA, No. 08-1277 (D.C. Cir.), that establishes deadlines for EPA's proposed and final actions.

75 FR 82009

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement under the CAA that establishes deadlines for EPA to take action relating to attainment determinations for the PM NAAQS.

75 FR 80809

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree in Sierra Club v. Jackson, No. 10-cv-0859 (D.D.C.), that requires the Agency to respond to a petition seeking EPA's objection to a CAA Title V operating permit issued to the Tennessee Valley Authority's Paradise Fossil Plant in Drakesboro, Kentucky, by February 9, 2011.

75 FR 80808

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree in Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. v. Jackson, No. CV-10-6029-MMM-AGR (C.D. Cal.), that establishes a deadline for the Agency to take final action on the 2007 SIP and management plan for the South Coast air quality management district.

75 FR 75672

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement that establishes deadlines for the Agency to take action on NAAQS for the Baton Rouge, Louisiana, area.

75 FR 81584

NOAA-Fisheries announced the adoption of an ESA recovery plan for the sperm whale.