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77 FR 5914

NOAA-Fisheries determined endangered status under the ESA for the Carolina and South Atlantic populations of Atlantic sturgeon throughout their ranges.

77 FR 5880

NOAA-Fisheries determined threatened status under the ESA for Atlantic sturgeon in the Gulf of Maine and determined endangered status for Atlantic sturgeon in the New York Bight and the Chesapeake Bay.

77 FR 5740

OSM proposed to approve an amendment to Tennessee's regulatory program under SMCRA and seeks public comment. 

77 FR 4492

FWS reinstated the May 15, 2008, interim final special rule listing the polar bear as a threatened species throughout its range under the ESA pending publication of a new special rule. 

77 FR 4973

FWS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list the San Bernardino flying squirrel as endangered or threatened and to designate critical habitat under the ESA; the agency found that listing may be warranted and initiated a status review. 

77 FR 4170

NOAA-Fisheries designated approximately 41,914 additional square miles along the West Coast as critical habitat for the leatherback sea turtle under the ESA.

77 FR 2022

NOAA announced that the semi-annual quota for spiny dogfish along the East Coast has been harvested and that no commercial activities for the species can take place until May 1, 2012. 

77 FR 1668

NOAA-Fisheries announced a 90-day finding on a petition to delist coho salmon along the southern Oregon/northern California coast; the agency found that delisting is not warranted. 

77 FR 1900

FWS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list the Humboldt marten as endangered or threatened and to designate critical habitat under the ESA; the agency found that listing may be warranted and initiated a status review.

77 FR 45

FWS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list Sierra Nevada red fox as endangered or threatened and to designate critical habitat under the ESA; the agency found that listing may be warranted and initiated a status review.