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77 FR 25872

OSM approved an amendment to Oklahoma's regulatory program under SMCRA regarding requirements for bond calculation and subsidence allegation reporting.

77 FR 25868

OSM approved an amendment to Iowa's regulatory program under SMCRA related to ownership, control, and other updates.

77 FR 25112

FWS initiated five-year reviews for 25 species under the ESA and announced the completion of five-year reviews for 28 species in California and Nevada. 

77 FR 24908

FWS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list Aztec gilia as endangered or threatened under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted. 

77 FR 23008

FWS proposed to designate approximately 889 acres as critical habitat under the ESA for Munz's onion and approximately 8,020 acres as critical habitat for San Jacinto Valley crownscale, all in Riverside County, California. 

77 FR 23060

FWS determined endangered status under the ESA for the Three Forks springsnail, designating approximately 17.2 acres in Apache County, Arizona, as critical habitat, and determined threatened status for the San Bernardino springsnail, designating approximately 2 acres in Cochise County, Arizona, as critical habitat. 

77 FR 23432

FWS proposed to create a special rule under the ESA to provide for the conservation of the polar bear. 

77 FR 23409

EPA announced numerous revisions to the Toxic Release Inventory program for facilities located in Indian country, most importantly that reports will now be submitted to the tribal government instead of the state. 

77 FR 24661

OSM proposed to approve an amendment to North Dakota's regulatory program under SMCRA concerning letter of credit provisions. 

77 FR 23647

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (disapproval of infrastructure submissions)