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87 FR 73488

FWS reclassified the northern long-eared bat as an endangered specifies under the ESA, and removed its species-specific rule issued under §4(d) of the Act.

87 FR 72674

FWS determined threatened species status for both the northern distinct population segment (DPS) and the southern DPS of lesser prairie-chicken under the ESA, and finalized a rule under §4(d) of the Act that provides measures that are necessary and advisable to provide for the conservation of the northern DPS.

87 FR 71557

FWS requested new information to update the species status assessment for the North American wolverine occurring in the contiguous United States in order to make a final determination whether to list the species under the ESA.

87 FR 71466

FWS proposed to designate approximately 1,174,011 acres in 13 Florida counties as critical habitat for the Florida bonneted bat under the ESA.

87 FR 68975

FWS proposed to revise the ESA §4(d) rule for the African elephant to establish enhancement permit requirements for international trade in live elephants and specific enhancement requirements for the import of wild-sourced elephants; clarify existing enhancement requirements for a permit to import African elephant sport-hunted trophies; and incorporate a Party’s designation under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora National Legislation Project into the decisionmaking process for the import of live African elephants, African elephant sport-hunted trophies, and African elephant parts and products other than ivory and sport-hunted trophies.

87 FR 68381

FWS amended the List of Endangered and Threatened Plants by removing Johnson’s seagrass, and amended the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife by updating the entries for the Arctic subspecies of the ringed seal and the Beringia distinct population segment of the Pacific bearded seal subspecies to reflect the final designation of critical habitat for this subspecies and distinct population segment, respectively.

87 FR 68236

NMFS announced its 12-month finding on a petition to list the shortfin mako shark under the ESA, finding that listing was not warranted.

87 FR 67451

NMFS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list the great hammerhead shark and designate critical habitat, finding that the petition did not present substantial information indicating that it may be warranted.

87 FR 67380

FWS determined threated species status for the sickle darter under the ESA, and finalized a rule under §4(d) of the Act that provides measures that are necessary and advisable to provide for the conservation of the species.

87 FR 66987

FWS proposed to designate approximately 595,495 acres as critical habitat for the Southern Sierra Nevada distinct population segment of fisher under the ESA.