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88 FR 41724

FWS determined threatened species status under the ESA for the western fanshell and the "Ouachita" fanshell, and designated critical habitat for both species.

88 FR 40782

NMFS announced its 90-day finding on a petition to list bull kelp as an endangered or threatened species under the ESA, finding that listing was not warranted.

88 FR 40742

FWS proposed to reinstate the general application of the “blanket rule” option for protecting newly listed threatened species pursuant to ESA §4(d), with the continued option to promulgate species-specific rules; extend to federally recognized tribes the exceptions to prohibitions for threatened species that the regulations currently provide to the employees or agents of the Service and other federal and state agencies to aid, salvage, or dispose of threatened species; and minor changes to clarify or correct the existing regulations for endangered and threatened species.

88 FR 40753

FWS and NMFS proposed to amend portions of their regulations that implement ESA §7 to further clarify and improve the interagency consultation processes, while continuing to provide for the conservation of listed species.

88 FR 40764

FWS and NMFS proposed to revise portions of their regulations implementing ESA §4 to clarify, interpret, and implement the procedures and criteria used for listing, reclassifying, and delisting species on the Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants and designating critical habitat.

88 FR 40160

FWS proposed to list the southern elktoe as endangered under the ESA and to designate approximately 578 river miles in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia as critical habitat for the species.

88 FR 38455

FWS proposed to list Navasota false foxglove as endangered under the ESA and to designate approximately 1.9 acres in Grimes and Tyler Counties, Texas, as critical habitat for the species.

88 FR 37490

FWS proposed to list the swale paintbrush as endangered under the ESA.

88 FR 34800

FWS proposed to list the Sira curassow and southern helmeted curassow as endangered under the ESA.

88 FR 33075

NMFS announced its 90-day finding on a petition to list the smalltail shark as threatened or endangered under the ESA, finding that listing may be warranted and commencing a status review of the species.