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88 FR 78358

EPA announced a 60-day public comment period on the draft revision of the Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Analysis.

88 FR 78063

United States v. ACF Industries LLC, No. 3:23-cv-1603 (D. Or. Nov. 1, 2023). Under two proposed consent decrees, settling CERCLA, CWA, and OPA defendants whose facilities along the Willamette River released hazardous substances must pay cash and/or purchase restoration credits in one or more restoration projects approved by the Natural Resource Trustees to create habitat for injured natural resources, and make payments for the public’s lost recreational use of the river, for monitoring of culturally significant plants and animals, and for reimbursement of the Natural Resource Trustees’ costs. 

88 FR 77004

EPA revised regulations addressing preemption of state and local regulation of locomotives and engines used in locomotives. 

88 FR 75281

EPA proposed to enter into an administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA with Cone Mills Acquisition Group, LLC, concerning remedial action/remedial design to be performed at the U.S. Finishing, LLC and Cone Mills Corporation Superfund Site. 

88 FR 75283

EPA proposed to enter into individual settlements with three parties concerning recovery of CERCLA costs for cleanup that was performed at the Bennett Landfill Fire Site located in Chester, South Carolina. 

88 FR 74179

EPA entered into an administrative settlement agreement under which settling parties will transfer certain mining claims to the purchaser, which will in turn support the purchaser’s efforts to preserve the important historical structures on these mining claims at the Nelson Tunnel/Commodore Waste Rock Superfund Site in Mineral County, Colorado.

88 FR 73841

EPA announced the availability of three near-term strategies the Agency is taking to further implement its obligations and commitments under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to screen for and protect against endocrine disrupting effects in humans, and seeks additional endocrine data on two groups of active ingredients currently undergoing registration review.

88 FR 73549

The Federal Trade Commission seeks comment on the overall costs, benefits, necessity, and regulatory and economic impact of its labeling requirements for alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles.

88 FR 71378

United States v. Dravo Corp., No. 8:01-cv-00500-JFB-TBT (D. Neb. Oct. 10, 2023). Under a proposed consent decree, a settling CERCLA defendant must pay $131,067 for response costs incurred and to be incurred by EPA at the Hastings Groundwater Contamination Superfund site.