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88 FR 15390

EPA announced a proposed cashout settlement agreement under CERCLA concerning Agency response costs at the Donna Reservoir and Canal Superfund site in Donna, Texas.

88 FR 15392

EPA announced a proposed cashout settlement agreement under CERCLA concerning Agency response costs at the Vermiculite Products Inc. Superfund site in Houston, Texas.

88 FR 14150

The Consumer Product Safety Commission seeks information on chronic hazards associated with gas ranges and proposed solutions to those hazards.

88 FR 13442

EPA entered into a proposed cost recovery settlement agreement under CERCLA concerning the JJW Metal Recycling Fire Superfund site in Carolina, Puerto Rico.

88 FR 12930

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree under the CWA and APA in Cape Fear River Watch v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, No. 1:22-cv-03809 (D.D.C.), in connection with its alleged failure to perform duties mandated by the CWA to revise the effluent limitations guidelines and promulgate pretreatment standards for the meat and poultry products industrial category.

88 FR 12995

United States v. Honeywell International Inc., No. 5:23-cv-00059 (N.D.W. Va. Feb. 22, 2023). Settling CERCLA defendants must pay for all future EPA and West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection response costs and reimburse $534,165 of the United States’ past response costs in connection with the release of hazardous substances at the Hanlin-Allied-Olin Superfund site in Moundsville, West Virginia.

88 FR 12724

DOT established regulations setting minimum standards and requirements for projects funded under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program and projects for the construction of publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) chargers under certain statutory authorities, including any EV charging infrastructure project funded with federal funds that is treated as a project on a federal-aid highway.

88 FR 12357

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA involving a mixed work and funding agreement, including a proposed compromise of up to $1.841 million in direct and indirect EPA costs associated with the Agency’s contribution to the implementation of a removal action at the Mansell Field Site in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts.

88 FR 11286

The federal agencies issued their semiannual regulatory agendas to update the public about regulations currently under development, reviews of existing regulations with small business impacts, and regulations completed or canceled since the last agenda. EPA’s agenda can be found at 88 FR 11286.