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76 FR 9349

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to pay $25,000 in U.S. response costs incurred at the Auclair Superfund site on the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian Reservation in Riverside County, California.

76 FR 22454

DOE amended energy conservation standards for residential clothes dryers and room air conditioners.

76 FR 8480

The U.S. Forest Service seeks public comment on a proposed new rule to guide land and resource management planning for all units of the National Forest System.

76 FR 9988

EPA seeks public comment on its plan for periodic retrospective review of regulations as called for by Executive Order No. 13563, Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.

76 FR 10530

EPA proposed a supplemental federal implementation plan for the Four Corners power plant on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico to reduce visibility-impairing pollution.

75 FR 80420

EPA proposed to restrict the states' use of emission reduction credits from outside a nonattainment area to meet the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS.

75 FR 78918

EPA removed saccharin and its salts from the lists of hazardous constituents, wastes, and substances under CERCLA and RCRA.

76 FR 10761

EPA delegated authority to Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to implement and enforce NESHAPs and new source performance and maximum achievable control technology standards.

76 FR 31362

United States v. City of Wyandotte, No. 2-11-cv-12181 (E.D. Mich. May 18, 2011). A settling CAA defendant responsible for permit violations at a power plant in Wyandotte, Michigan, must pay a $112,000 civil penalty, must perform a supplemental environmental project at an estimated cost of $210,000, and must install new emission controls and implement operational practices to reduce emissions.

76 FR 31362

United States v. City of Wyandotte, No. 2-11-cv-12181 (E.D. Mich. May 18, 2011). A settling CAA defendant responsible for permit violations at a power plant in Wyandotte, Michigan, must pay a $112,000 civil penalty, must perform a supplemental environmental project at an estimated cost of $210,000, and must install new emission controls and implement operational practices to reduce emissions.