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88 FR 31525

United States v. American Biltrite Inc., No. 1:23-cv-11044 (D. Mass. May 11, 2023). Settling CERCLA defendants must perform the final remedial action for Operable Units 1 and 2, and the interim remedial action for Operable Unit 3, identified in EPA's March 2021 Record of Decision relating to the Olin Chemical Superfund site in Wilmington, Massachusetts; pay the United States’ past and future site-related response costs; and pay the Commonwealth's future site-related response costs.

88 FR 30967

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA for recovery of response costs incurred at the Omega Chemical Corporation Superfund site in Los Angeles, California.

88 FR 29666

EPA seeks comment to inform the availability of zero emission technologies in the heavy-duty vehicle and port sectors to support development of potentially multiple funding programs under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

88 FR 28254

The U.S. Sentencing Commission promulgated amendments to the sentencing guidelines, policy statements, commentary, and statutory index for federal courts.

88 FR 26300

EPA entered into a modified proposed cashout settlement agreement under CERCLA for recovery of response costs at the Delta Shipyard Superfund site in Houma, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana.

88 FR 26300

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA that requires a settling defendant to pay $5.25 million as partial payment for Agency response costs associated with the ITC Tank Fire Superfund site in Deer Park, Texas.

88 FR 25926

EPA proposed to promulgate new greenhouse gas (GHG) standards for heavy-duty highway vehicles starting in model year (MY) 2028 through MY 2032 and to revise certain GHG standards for MY 2027, including updating discrete elements of the Averaging Banking and Trading program; to add warranty requirements for batteries and other components of zero emission vehicles; to revise certain highway heavy-duty vehicle provisions and certain test procedures for heavy-duty engines; and to revise regulations addressing preemption of state regulation of new locomotives and new engines used in locomotives.

88 FR 25251

The president issued Executive Order No. 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice For All; among other things, the Order reaffirms a commitment to and sets steps for a governmentwide approach to environmental justice, and creates the White House Office of Environmental Justice within CEQ.

88 FR 25402

EPA Region 2 entered into a proposed cost recovery settlement agreement under CERCLA concerning the Gowanus Canal Superfund site in Brooklyn, New York.