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89 FR 53071

DOE seeks information to carry out its responsibilities under Exec. Order No. 14091, Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, to update to its Equity Action Plan.

89 FR 52425

EPA proposed amendments to several new source performance standards and NESHAPs under the CAA; the amendments would remove the affirmative defense provisions associated with violation of emission standards due to malfunctions.

89 FR 52413

SIP Proposal: Indiana (revision to monitoring and compliance requirements for certain process heater stacks at Safety-Kleen Oil Recovery Company in Lake County). 

89 FR 52956

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration amended the Hazardous Materials Regulations to require railroads that carry hazardous materials to generate in electronic form, maintain, and provide to first responders, emergency response officials, and law enforcement personnel, certain information regarding hazardous materials in rail transportation to enhance emergency response and investigative efforts. 

89 FR 52540

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finalized corporate average fuel economy standards for passenger cars, light trucks, heavy-duty pickup trucks, and vans. 

89 FR 51978

EPA established an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues for eight different chemicals when used as an inert ingredient in a pesticide chemical formulation.

89 FR 51864

FWS announced findings that the Kiamichi crayfish, Rio Grande chub, and Rio Grande sucker are not warranted for listing as endangered or threatened species under the ESA. 

89 FR 51880

DOE seeks feedback on draft environmental justice goals in its Environmental Justice Strategic Plan. 

89 FR 51903

United States v. Pope Resources, No. 3:24-cv-05470 (W.D. Wash. June 13, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree concerning the release of hazardous substances from the former Pope & Talbot sawmill facility in Kitsap County, Washington, settling CERCLA and CWA defendants must construct, implement, maintain, and monitor a habitat restoration project; fund future long-term maintenance, monitoring, and stewardship of the project; and pay past and estimated future costs for natural resource damages assessment and restoration implementation and oversight.