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89 FR 31772

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) adopted the Department of the Air Force's categorical exclusion for supersonic flying operations over land and above 30,000 feet mean sea level, or over water and above 10,000 feet mean sea level and more than 15 nautical miles from land under NEPA to use in NASA’s program and funding opportunities. 

89 FR 31771

United States v. General Dynamics Corp., No. 6:24-cv-00722 (M.D. Fla. Apr. 18, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, settling CERCLA defendants that released and/or threatened releases of hazardous substances into the environment at the General Dynamics Longwood Superfund Site located in Longwood, Florida, must perform a remedial design and remedial action for the site, reimburse EPA for its past response costs for the site, and pay future costs related to the work. 

89 FR 31802

EPA amended specific provisions in the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule to improve data quality and consistency. 

89 FR 31647

EPA approved a request from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for delegation of authority to implement and enforce the federal plan requirements for municipal solid waste landfills that commenced construction on or before July 17, 2014, and have not been modified or reconstructed since July 17, 2014. 

89 FR 31645

SIP Approval: Indiana (temporary alternative opacity limitations at the BP Products North America, Inc. facility in Whiting, Indiana, during startup and shutdown). 

89 FR 31677

SIP Proposal: Michigan (revisions to state air pollution control rules concerning air use approval). 

89 FR 30916

BLM revised its oil and gas leasing regulations by implementing provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act pertaining to royalty rates, rentals, and minimum bids; updating the bonding requirements for leasing, development, and production; and revising some operating requirements.

89 FR 31078

The Federal Aviation Administration adopted standards for measuring non-volatile particulate matter exhaust emissions from aircraft engines.

89 FR 29365

United States v. PPG Industries, Inc., No. 2:24-04771 (D.N.J. Apr. 11, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree concerning the Riverside Industrial Park Superfund Site in Newark, New Jersey, a settling CERCLA defendant must design and implement the components of the remedy selected for the site in EPA's September 28, 2021, record of decision that relate to waste material, sewer water, soil gas, and soil/fill material; perform groundwater monitoring and implement institutional controls; reimburse the United States $2,883,120 and New Jersey $116,880 for past response costs relating to the site; and pay for future response costs to be incurred.

89 FR 30361

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree in Our Children’s Earth Foundation v. Regan, No. 1:23-cv-2848 (D.D.C.), that would establish deadlines for EPA to act on certain SIP submissions by Louisiana, South Carolina, and Texas.