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Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic v. Bureau of Land Management

A district court dismissed environmental groups' challenge to BLM's approval of a 600-million-barrel oil development project in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. The groups first argued BLM violated NEPA by failing to consider a reasonable range of alternatives and by failing to adequately anal...

National Ass'n of Wheat Growers v. Bonta

The Ninth Circuit, 2-1, affirmed a district court's grant of summary judgment for agricultural producers and businesses and a permanent injunction enjoining the California attorney general (AG) from enforcing Proposition 65's carcinogen warning requirement for the herbicide glyphosate. Plaintiffs ar...

Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers Ass'n v. Regan

The Eighth Circuit granted farming groups' petitions to review EPA's 2021 order banning agricultural use of the insecticide chlorpyrifos. The groups argued EPA's "rushed" decision to revoke all tolerances for chlorpyrifos, in response to a Ninth Circuit order directing the Agency to either revoke al...

Western Watersheds Project v. U.S. Department of the Interior

A district court denied environmental groups' motion to preliminarily enjoin implementation of a BLM-approved watershed restoration project in eastern Nevada. The groups argued BLM violated NEPA by failing to take a "hard look" at the project's impacts, and violated FLPMA by failing to address speci...

Hill v. United States Department of the Interior

A district court granted DOI's motion to dismiss a lawsuit concerning tribal water rights on the Crow Reservation in Montana. Tribal members who hold property on the reservation challenged the 2010 Crow Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act (Settlement Act), which provided benefits to the tribe in excha...

White v. United States Army Corps of Engineers

A district court denied a biologist's motion to preliminarily enjoin flood control releases from the Coyote Valley Dam into the Russian River to protect ESA-listed salmon species. The biologist sought to enjoin the Army Corps of Engineers from making flood control releases unless it determines that ...

Western Watersheds Project v. McKay

In an unpublished opinion, the Ninth Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part summary judgment for the Forest Service and FWS in a challenge to their approval of a cattle grazing project in Oregon. Environmental groups first argued the Service's final EIS failed to take a "hard look" at three i...

Munoz v. Intercontinental Terminals Co., L.L.C.

The Fifth Circuit affirmed summary judgment for the operator of a chemical storage facility in a lawsuit concerning the operator's 2019 oil spill into the Houston Ship Channel. Shipping companies that were forced to stop operations after the spill sued the operator, seeking economic loss damages und...

Honolulu, City and County of v. Sunoco LP

The Hawaii Supreme Court affirmed a lower court order denying oil and gas companies' motions to dismiss a climate misinformation suit brought by the city and county of Honolulu and the Honolulu Board of Water Supply. Plaintiffs argued the companies knowingly misled the public about the dangers of bu...

Lowman v. Federal Aviation Administration

The Eleventh Circuit denied several individuals' petition to review FAA approval of an airport expansion project in Florida. The individuals argued FAA violated NEPA by segmenting its review of a single development project into multiple, smaller projects to make environmental effects appear less sig...