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Horne v. United States Department of Agriculture

The Ninth Circuit held that a reserve program for raisins authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 does not constitute a taking in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The USDA imposed civil penalties against two raisin farmers for failing to comply with various requirements...

Amigos Bravos v. United States Bureau of Land Management,

A district court denied environmental groups' petition for review challenging BLM's and the U.S. Forest Service's approval of several oil and gas lease sales in the San Juan Basin of northern New Mexico. The groups, who were concerned that the leases would contribute to ozone emissions, impact publi...

Team Enterprises, LLC v. Western Investment Real Estate Trust

The Ninth Circuit upheld the dismissal of a dry cleaner's CERCLA and tort law claims against the manufacturer of dry cleaning equipment. The dry cleaner failed to present evidence giving rise to a genuine dispute as to any material fact with respect to its CERCLA claim. A person may be subject t...

Hinds Investments, LP v. Angioloi

The Ninth Circuit upheld the dismissal of a shopping center owner's citizen suit action under RCRA against manufacturers of dry cleaning equipment. The owner argued that the manufacturers contributed to the release of hazardous waste into the environment by virtue of their machinery, which was a...

Amigos Bravos v. United States Bureau of Land Management

A district court held that environmental groups lack standing to challenge BLM's approval of two quarterly oil and gas lease sales under the APA, NEPA, FLPMA, and the Mineral Leasing Act. The groups claimed that BLM failed to meaningfully address the issue of climate change in approving the leases, ...

United States v. ARG Corp.

A district court granted a city's motion to dismiss a company's third-party complaint against it for reimbursement of cleanup costs the U.S. government incurred responding to hazardous substances at an industrial site formerly owned by the company. The government filed suit against the company under...

Lake Carriers' Ass'n v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied trade associations' petition for review of a nationwide permit issued by EPA for the discharge of pollutants incidental to the normal operation of vessels. The associations, which represent commercial ship owners and operators, raised a number of procedural challenges, al...

Citizens for Balanced Use v. Montana Wilderness Ass'n

The Ninth Circuit held that environmental groups may intervene in a citizen suit against the U.S. Forest Service concerning restricted motorized and mechanized vehicle use in a section of the Gallatin National Forest. In the underlying action, the citizens group argued that the Forest Service's plan...

Otay Mesa Property, L.P. v. United States Department of the Interior

The D.C. Circuit held that a single sighting of a protected species is insufficient to render a property "occupied" for purposes of designating critical habitat under the ESA. In 2007, the FWS designated 143 acres of plaintiffs' property as critical habitat for the San Diego fairy shrimp under the E...