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BlueRibbon Coalition, Inc. v. U.S Bureau of Land Management

A district court denied outdoor recreation groups' request to halt implementation of BLM's 2023 travel management plan (TMP) closing over 300 miles of routes previously available for off-highway vehicle use on public lands within the Labyrinth/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area in Utah. The group...

WildEarth Guardians v. United States Forest Service

The Ninth Circuit dismissed for lack of standing a challenge to the Forest Service's livestock grazing decisions in Colville National Forest. Environmental groups argued the decisions would lead to an increase in wolf attacks on livestock, which in turn would cause the Washington Department of Fish ...

Murphy Co. v. Biden

The Ninth Circuit affirmed summary judgment for the U.S. government in a challenge to President Obama's issuance of a proclamation expanding the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in southwestern Oregon. A timber company argued the proclamation was an invalid exercise of the Antiquities Act because ...

Louisiana v. Biden

The Fifth Circuit dismissed Louisiana's challenge to the Biden Administration's interim estimates on the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions. Louisiana initially sought to preliminarily enjoin the interim estimates from being used, arguing they were procedurally invalid, arbitrary and capricious...

Commonwealth of Kentucky v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court denied conservation groups' motion to intervene in a lawsuit concerning EPA's and the Army Corps of Engineers' rule defining the scope of the CWA. The groups sought intervention as of right, arguing they had "a significant, protectable interest" because they represent those who use ...

Fond Du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa v. Cummins

A district court denied a mining company's motion to dismiss an Indian tribe's challenge to a land exchange between the company and the Forest Service. The tribe argued that the land exchange implicated its sovereign interests, including a right under an 1854 treaty to use the land for hunting, fish...

New Mexico v. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The Tenth Circuit dismissed a petition to review NRC's grant of a temporary license for spent nuclear fuel storage near the New Mexico border. New Mexico argued NRC violated NEPA and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, and acted ultra vires in granting the license. NRC moved to dismiss for lack of jurisdi...

American Chemistry Council v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit granted EPA's motion to dismiss an industry group's challenge to interim lifetime health advisories for two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water. The court found that the group identified alleged harm facing an indirect subsidiary of one of its members, but failed t...

District of Columbia v. Exxon Mobil Corp.

A district court granted the District of Columbia's motion to remand to state court a consumer protection lawsuit against energy companies. The District sued in state court, arguing the companies knowingly misrepresented the effects of fossil fuel products to consumers through misleading advertiseme...