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Kunaknana v. United States Army Corps of Engineers

A district court held that an environmental group lacked standing to challenge a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit issued to an oil company to fill certain wetlands in the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska for a future drill site. The group's members have not demonstrated the requisite injury in...

Hawai'i Wildlife Fund v. County of Maui

A district court held that a Hawaiian county illegally discharged wastewater into the ocean through groundwater injection wells in violation of the CWA. An environmental group sued the county, seeking to compel it to apply for and comply with the terms of an NPDES permit, and to pay civil penalties ...

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition v. Elk Run Coal Co.

A district court held that mining companies discharged excessive amounts of ionic pollution, measured as conductivity, into the waters of West Virginia in violation of their federal NPDES and state surface mining permits. The companies argued that the court could not rule in the groups' favor becaus...

Black Warrior Riverkeeper, Inc. v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

A district court dismissed an environmental group's lawsuit challenging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' 2012 reissuance of Nationwide Permit 21 (NWP 21), a five-year general permit authorizing surface coal mining operations to discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States if ...

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition v. Consol of Kentucky

A district court held that a coal company violated the CWA and SMCRA by discharging excessive amounts of selenium into the waters of West Virginia. The company argued that the environmental group's lawsuit should be dismissed because it had already entered into a consent decree with the state enviro...

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition v. Marfork Coal Co.

A district court held a coal company liable under the CWA for discharging excessive amounts of selenium into the waters of West Virginia. Water sampling performed on behalf of an environmental group that filed a citizen suit against the company prove that the company violated West Virginia's water q...

Dover, City of v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court dismissed three New Hampshire cities' citizen suit challenging EPA's decision to approve New Hampshire's impaired waters list under the CWA. The cities lack standing because the regulatory decisions that the cities challenge have not yet caused them harm, and whether cities will be ...

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, Inc. v. Alex Energy, Inc.

A district court issued a memorandum opinion and order holding that the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection may temporarily, but not indefinitely, suspend the requirement that permit holders that do not have selenium limits or monitoring and reporting requirements on their face must...

Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future v. Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority

A district court dismissed an environmental groups' citizen suit against a water authority for alleged CWA and state law violations in connection with the discharge of stormwater from a municipal separate storm sewer system to the Allegheny River. The groups did not argue that the authority violated...