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Solonex LLC v. Bernhardt

The D.C. Circuit vacated a district court ruling concerning DOI's cancellation of an oil and gas lease in Montana. The leaseholder challenged the Department's cancellation, and the district court ruled in its favor, holding that the amount of time that had elapsed between the issuance of the lease a...

United States Forest Service v. Cowpasture River Preservation Ass'n

The U.S. Supreme Court held, 7-2, that the Forest Service had authority under the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA) to issue a special use permit that granted a right-of-way for a segment of a natural gas pipeline to be constructed beneath the Appalachian Trail in George Washington National Forest. Environm...

E&B Natural Resources Management Corp. v. Alameda, County of

A district court denied partial summary judgment in a challenge to a county board's decision not to renew two conditional use permits (CUPs) for continued operation of an oil extraction and production facility in Livermore, California. The facility operator argued it had a fundamental vested right i...

Citizens for Clean Energy v. U.S. Department of the Interior

A district court denied a request to vacate the Trump Administration's decision to lift the Obama Administration's moratorium on new coal leasing on public lands. Environmental groups, tribes, and states argued that BLM's issuance of a final EA and FONSI were insufficient to meet the court's previou...

St. Johns Riverkeeper, Inc. v. United States Army Corps of Engineers

A district court granted summary judgment for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in a challenge to its proposal to dredge a portion of a harbor located in the Lower St. Johns River. An environmental group argued that the Corps violated NEPA by failing to analyze the present effects of past dredging ac...

Mountain Communities for Fire Safety v. Elliott

A district court granted summary judgment for the U.S. Forest Service in a challenge to its approval of a tree-thinning and fire mitigation project in the Los Padres National Forest. Conservation groups and nearby residents argued the Service's decision to authorize the project with a categorical ex...

Grand Canyon Trust v. Provencio

A district court granted summary judgment for the Forest Service in a challenge against its determination that a mining company had "valid existing rights" (VER) at a uranium mine in the Kaibab National Forest when DOI withdrew public lands around the Grand Canyon from new mining claims. A Native Am...

Stand Up for California! v. U.S. Department of the Interior

The Ninth Circuit affirmed in part and vacated in part summary judgment for DOI in a challenge to its issuance of secretarial procedures authorizing a Native American tribe to operate a hotel and casino in Madera, California. Nonprofit groups argued that issuance of the procedures violated NEPA and ...

WildEarth Guardians v. U.S. Bureau of Land Management

A district court vacated 287 oil and gas leases that BLM issued on 145,000 acres of federal land in Montana. Environmental groups argued that the agency violated NEPA by failing to consider the leases' impacts on groundwater from shallow fracturing and surface casing depth. The court found that the ...

Idaho Conservation League v. U.S. Forest Service

A district court vacated an EA and FONSI issued by the Forest Service approving a mining company to explore for gold on public lands near the Idaho-Montana border. Environmental groups previously argued before the court that the Forest Service failed to take a hard look at the impacts on groundwater...