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Columbia Riverkeeper v. United States Army Corp of Engineers

A district court granted in part and denied in part environmental groups' motion for summary judgment in a challenge to the Army Corps of Engineers' approval of permits for a methanol plant in southwestern Washington. The groups argued that the Corps' EA was insufficient, that the agency should have...

WildEarth Guardians v. Bernhardt

A district court denied a motion to vacate three oil and gas leases issued by BLM in southeastern New Mexico. An environmental group argued BLM violated NEPA by failing to take a "hard look" at the environmental impacts of the leases and failing to sufficiently justify its decision not to prepare an...

Bair v. California Department of Transportation

The Ninth Circuit reversed a lower court ruling that the California Department of Transportation failed to adequately consider the environmental impacts of a proposed highway improvement project in a state park. Residents and environmental groups challenged the project on a variety of grounds, inclu...

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition v. Caperton

A district court denied a motion to dismiss a challenge to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection's failure to notify the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) of a significant change to the state's special reclamation fund. Environmental groups argued that t...

Smith v. Tumalo Irrigation District

A district court denied landowners' motion to preliminarily enjoin an irrigation project in central Oregon. The landowners first argued that the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) violated NEPA by failing to include in its EA two farm-efficiency alternatives and an adequate analysis of th...

WildEarth Guardians v. Bernhardt

A district court granted in part nonprofit groups' motion for summary judgment in a lawsuit concerning BLM's review of cumulative climate impacts of oil and gas leases in Wyoming. The groups argued that BLM's supplemental EA prepared in response to the court's previous ruling that the agency had fai...

Earthworks v. U.S. Department of the Interior

A district court denied environmental groups' motion for summary judgment in a challenge to two mining-related rules issued by BLM. The groups argued that the 2008 Mining Claim Rule violated the General Mining Law and FLPMA by improperly restricting the application of FLPMA's fair market-value manda...

WildEarth Guardians v. Bernhardt

A district court granted BLM's request to remand without vacatur 27 oil and gas leasing decisions across five states. Environmental groups argued that BLM failed to consider the cumulative impacts of the leases as required under NEPA, and sought to have them vacated and remanded. The court found tha...

Indigenous Environmental Network v. Trump

A district court denied a request to block a permit issued by President Trump authorizing a pipeline company to construct a cross-border segment of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Environmental groups argued the president violated the Property Clause, the Commerce Clause, and Executive Order No. 13337...