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Center for Biological Diversity v. National Marine Fisheries Service

A district court granted in part and denied in part summary judgment for an environmental group in a challenge to NMFS' denial of the group's petition to promulgate ESA §4(d) regulations for 20 coral species. The group had petitioned NMFS in response to the Service's inaction on its own findings in...

American Wild Horse Campaign v. Burgum

A district court vacated a 2022 instruction memorandum (IM) issued by BLM that outlined policies and procedures for administering an incentive program for adopting federally protected wild horses and burros. Animal rights groups challenged the IM, arguing it violated the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and...

Center for Biological Diversity v. United States Forest Service

In an unpublished opinion, the Ninth Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part a district court ruling in a lawsuit over a logging project in Kootenai National Forest. Conservation groups sued the Forest Service and FWS, arguing the project's approval violated the ESA, NEPA, and the National For...

Mahler v. United States Forest Service

A district court denied environmental groups' motion to preliminarily enjoin a tornado recovery operations project in Hoosier National Forest. The groups argued the Forest Service improperly excluded the project from NEPA's research and reporting requirements and began implementing the project befor...

Prutehi Litekyan v. United States Department of the Air Force

The Ninth Circuit reversed a district court's dismissal of a challenge to the U.S. Air Force's decision to engage in hazardous waste disposal through open burning/open detonation (OB/OD) operations at Tarague Beach on Guam. A nonprofit group argued the Air Force failed to comply with its environment...

Massachusetts Lobstermen's Ass'n, Inc. v. Menashes

The First Circuit reversed a district court ruling in a challenge to NMFS' 2024 rule finalizing a 2022 emergency rule that seasonally banned vertical buoy lines used in lobster and Jonah crab trap fishing from certain federal waters off Massachusetts to reduce risk of injury or death to the endanger...

Willamette Riverkeeper v. National Marine Fisheries Service

A district court granted in part and denied in part summary judgment for an environmental group in a lawsuit concerning NMFS' approval of a management plan proposed by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for releasing hatchery-raised fish into the Upper Willamette River. The group argued NMFS...