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Rancho Viejo, Ltd. Liab. Corp. v. Norton

The court holds that application of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to a commercial housing development that threatened the continued existence of the arroyo southwestern toad, an endangered species, was a constitutional exercise of federal authority under the U.S. Commerce Clause. The court previo...

Cienega Gardens v. United States

The court holds that real estate developers who voluntarily participated in U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) low-income housing programs suffered a compensable, temporary, regulatory taking under the Fifth Amendment when the U.S. Congress enacted the Emergency Low-Income Housin...

Chancellor Manor v. United States

The court holds that a trial court erred in its determination that real estate developers who claimed that the government's enactment of legislation relating to low-income housing programs that breached contracts between the developers and the United States did not possess protectible real property ...

Nebraska v. EPA

The court holds that the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), in requiring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to promulgate national primary drinking water regulations, is a valid exercise of power under the U.S. Commerce Clause. Petitioners argued that the SDWA exceeds the federal government...

Pascoag Reservoir & Dam, Ltd. Liab. Corp. v. Rhode Island

The court upholds the dismissal of a property owner's inverse condemnation action against the state of Rhode Island for acquiring a portion of his property in 1975 by adverse possession. Because the owner failed to seek compensation through the state court, he forfeited his federal claim. Adequate s...

Clean Air Mkts. Group v. Pataki

The court affirms a district court decision that New York Air Pollution Mitigation Law §66-k is preempted by the Clean Air Act (CAA) Title IV cap-and-trade system and violates the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Section 66-k requires the assessment of an air pollution mitigation offs...

South Dakota Farm Bureau, Inc. v. Hazeltine

The court holds that §21 of Article XVII to the South Dakota Constitution, which prohibits corporations or syndicates from acquiring or obtaining an interest in land used for farming and from otherwise engaging in farming in South Dakota, violates the dormant U.S. Commerce Clause of the U.S. Co...

Ridge Line, Inc. v. United States

The court vacates and remands a trial court holding that increased stormwater drainage from the construction of a U.S. Postal Service facility in West Virginia did not constitute a taking of a neighboring mall owner's property. The trial court held that no taking occurred because the owner failed to...

Serra Canyon Co. v. California Coastal Comm'n

A California appellate court upheld the dismissal of a landowner's inverse condemnation claim against California in which it sought to avoid the effect of an irrevocable offer to dedicate land for public use. The dedication was made by a prior owner of the land in 1983 as a condition of a permit to ...