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Barnstable, Mass. v. Federal Aviation Administration

The D.C. Circuit denied petitions for review challenging FAA's determination that a proposed offshore wind farm in Nantucket Sound would not pose a hazard to air navigation. Despite petitioners' arguments to the contrary, the FAA's no hazard determinations were consistent with the agency's handbook ...

Robinson Township v. Commonwealth

Pennsylvania's highest court struck down Act 13, which pertains to oil and gas operations in the Marcellus Shale, as unconstitutional. The Act repealed Pennsylvania’s Oil and Gas Act and replaced it with a codified statutory framework regulating oil and gas operations in the Commonwealth. Among ot...

Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC v. Shumlin

The Second Circuit held that it lacks jurisdiction to review an electric company's suit challenging the constitutionality of Vermont's Electrical Energy Generating Tax. The company owns a nuclear power plant that is the sole entity taxed under the scheme, which imposes a charge on electricity produc...

Southwest Power Pool, Inc. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Committee

The D.C. Circuit vacated a FERC decision allowing a power company to use a regional transmission organization's (RTO's) transmission lines in order to join another RTO network. The two RTOs involved in this case had entered a joint operating agreement that allowed both RTOs to use the other's transm...

Protect Our Communities Foundation v. Salazar

A district court dismissed a complaint challenging DOI's approval of the Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility Project, a utility-scale wind power project in the Sonoran Desert in Imperial County, California, under NEPA and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). The purpose and need statement set forth in BL...

Association of Public Agency Customers v. Bonneville Power Administration

The Ninth Circuit approved a settlement agreement between the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and a large number of its energy customers that sets terms for refunding customers who were previously overcharged as well as new rate terms for the next 17 years. BPA argued that the plaintiff—a gr...

Northern Laramie Range Alliance v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Tenth Circuit held that landowners lacked standing to challenge two wind energy projects in Wyoming. FERC certified the projects under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act, which seeks to promote renewable energy sources by requiring utilities to buy power from small facilities that meet...

Minard Run Oil Co. v. United States Forest Service

The Third Circuit affirmed a lower court decision vacating a 2009 settlement agreement between the U.S. Forest Service and environmental groups that banned oil and gas drilling in the Allegheny National Forest pending the completion of a multi-year, forestwide EIS under NEPA. The lower court had pre...

Rockies Express Pipeline LLC v. Salazar

The Federal Circuit held that the Minerals Management Service (MMS) breached its contract with a natural gas pipeline construction company involving the construction of two segments of a pipeline that extends from Wyoming to Ohio. Under a "precedent agreement," MMS would pay the company roughly $1.2...