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Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied a petition to review EPA's 2023 regulations that imposed new reporting requirements on biogas producers. An industry group argued, among other things, that EPA had no authority to regulate biogas producers and that three categories in the regulations—those related to biogas...

West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency

In a per curiam order, the D.C. Circuit denied states' and industry groups' motions to stay EPA's rule aimed at reducing pollution from fossil fuel power plants. Petitioners argued EPA acted arbitrarily and capriciously in determining that carbon capture and other emission control technologies were ...

Ohio v. Environmental Protection Agency

The U.S. Supreme Court, 5-4, granted three states' and several industry groups' applications to stay enforcement of EPA's 2023 rule issuing a federal implementation plan (FIP) for 23 states whose SIPs the Agency determined had failed to adequately address new air quality standards for ozone levels u...

Sinclair Wyoming Refining Co. LLC v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit rejected challenges to renewable fuels standards EPA set for 2020, 2021, and 2022. Cellulosic biofuel producers argued the standards were set too low, and petroleum refiners argued they were set too high. Specifically, the biofuel producers argued EPA misinterpreted or unreasonably ...

Sierra Club v. Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality

The Fifth Circuit rejected an environmental group's challenge to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality's (LDEQ's) decision to issue preconstruction permits for a liquefied natural gas export facility in Cameron Parish. The group sought to have LDEQ's decision vacated, arguing the facilit...

Ohio v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit upheld EPA's 2022 decision to reinstate a prior waiver of federal preemption of two California regulations concerning automobile emissions under the CAA. States and fossil fuel groups challenged the regulations—a standard limiting greenhouse gas emissions and a requirement that a ...

Texas v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Fifth Circuit, 2-1, denied petitions to review EPA's 2016 designation of two counties in Texas as nonattainment for the 2010 sulfur dioxide NAAQS. The state of Texas and the owner of a power plant located in one of the counties sought to have the designation vacated, arguing it violated the CAA ...

West Virginia v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Fourth Circuit, 2-1, granted West Virginia's motion to stay EPA's disapproval of its SIP addressing "good neighbor" obligations under the revised 2015 air quality standards for ozone. EPA's disapproval found the state would still contribute significantly to nonattainment or interfere with mainte...